
“If you want a task done quickly, ask a busy person to do it.”

Have you ever heard this in some form or another? Or maybe even seen it in action? Are you the person who others rely on to get the job done?

It is great that others can rely on you, but this can lead to feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and take away from the main job you are paid for.

I have seen this happen to doctors, HR workers, managers, non-profit workers, teachers and many more. Now- I fully understand that some jobs involve huge numbers of hours, but even in those jobs, there are limits to how much a reasonable person can do.

As I talk to these busy people, I find there is often a common thread- an inability to say “No”, and desire to help people and a lack of clarity with boundaries.

Hints of how to reduce this feeling of being overwhelmed:

  1. Get a clear understanding of what is and isn’t within your work responsibility.

  2. Practice saying “No” in a polite and constructive manner. Maybe ask a friend or coach to help you practice.

  3. Focus on the positive outcomes of these first two actions.

  4. Congratulate yourself & tell your friend or coach any time you are able to draw a boundary or say no to extra work.


What if you are able to focus more on the job you are paid for, and say no to those extra jobs? what could that look like?

  • A better quality of work as you are able to focus better

  • More reserves for personal time and relaxation

  • Feeling less overwhelmed

  • A greater ability to deal well with conflict

  • Greater profit for the company

If you would like to get team or individual coaching that will help you achieve goals and increase productivity, contact me: vicki@multiplycoaching.com


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