Staff Behaviour- Disagreement Policy
Do your staff know what to do if they have a disagreement or conflict with someone?
When I do conflict training with a team, I often encourage the team to put together a document covering what they agree to do if there is conflict or different ideas.
You see, conflict is inevitable. It is just a difference of opinions. How we react to conflict is the tricky bit. It can be really constructive if dealt with in a constructive manner.
Positives of Conflict:
One group I was working with recently discussed the positives of conflict and came up with the following list-
Understanding (different positions, why it started, how to resolve it),
no assumptions,
a way forward, change,
strengthened relationships,
better understanding,
get to know the other person- what drives them,
develops trust,
We then discussed how to speak up in the right way and the right time, and listen well to others when they are speaking.
From here, we started to put together a policy on how we want to treat each other, especially when there is disagreement or conflict, what behaviours we want to see, and who we talk to.
For more information on conflict training, putting together a staff policy or team training, contact