Atomic Habits

Resolutions- So how many of us have made resolutions, or are thinking of changing your lifestyle after all the celebrations of Christmas?

New Year can often be a good time to review health, relationships and objectives at work.

The problem is that we are not always very good at making those changes we identify and want in our lives.


In the book 'Atomic Habits', James Clear explains that habits are formed from the following 4 step cycle:

Cue, Craving, Response, Reward

The cue triggers a craving, which motivates a response, which provides a reward, which satisfies the craving and then becomes associated with the cue.

This cycle is known as the habit loop.

If we want to form new habits, we should make them obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying, in order to overcome that habit loop.

When working with clients, we encourage them to think of one very small, observable behaviour that could be done at the cue or craving point. As Clear says, this behaviour should be obvious & easy and lead to attractive new habits that bring satisfaction.

We can also use a habit tracker as a fun way to measure progress.


Physics Department


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