Time Off

Half of all UK employees do not take their full allowance of annual leave each year.

Yet, there is so much evidence that a workaholic cultures do not increase productivity in business, but instead brings burnout, more absence and mental health problems.

Many of my clients are high achievers, going through cycles of achieving so much more in a day than many would in a month, yet have either experienced burnout, or are working hard to avoid it.

This is why many clients have one of their 6 month goals as ‘Not burning out while achieving my other goals.”

The benefits of taking time off are many:

  1. Better ability to deal with conflict

  2. More creativity and insight

  3. Mental, physical and emotional rest

  4. Time with family or friends (investing in these relationships)

We make it a priority to take time away from our jobs and our emails, even when life is busy.

Why not book in some regular time off, before you get to that burned out stage, and maybe just read a book in front of a fire, or go for a long walk with a friend or family?

If you would like to find out more about working more effectively, rather than working harder, or avoiding burnout, email office@multiplycoaching.com


Atomic Habits

