
When have you dreaded seeing another employee?

In a time of more working at home we have less interaction with those on our team, which can be a massive relief for some, especially if they have ‘difficult’ people on their team.

So what do you do when you know a relationship with someone has soured, or if you think it could become difficult?

Often we can avoid the situation. Try and keep away from the person, only to have that sinking feeling in our stomachs as we turn the corner and see them there.

Some of us are more likely to confront the situation, demanding to know what is wrong and creating a difficult feeling for those around us.

These can blow up the situation even further, dividing the workplace into two distinct groups and making people uncomfortable around either of you.

But what if there is a better way?

I have coached many leaders in this situation where they have despaired of a positive outcome.

As they explained the problem and causes, I helped them outline what could be a ‘win’ for another meeting with their colleague. This helps them prepare for the meeting and start to intentionally work toward a better future. Often this can dramatically improve the working relationship and lead to improved productivity for both parties.

Who can you talk to about that difficult work colleague and start to plan for your better future at work?


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How engaged are your employees?