Once I was in a restaurant.
I noticed a lady on another table who was wearing a lovely crochet top, and I commented on it, saying how I thought it really suited her.
We chatted for a couple more minutes, then this lovely, generous person, who I had only met a few minutes ago, completely surprised me:
“I have another top like this upstairs- I would like you to have it, it would suit you too.”
This lady had no obligation to me, I had not asked for a top, just said how much I thought it suited her. I have never met her since and probably never will, but what a way to live!
There is a generosity of the soul in her that would make her free in a way that no amount of money would ever do on its own.
I would have loved to spend more time with this lady- find out what motivates her, hear her story and learn from her.
Instead I get to learn from this little act of generosity and try and pay it forward to others, in words, gifts and deeds.
“How do you fight greed, except with generosity?… You can only give a man your coat if you have an abundance mentality.” Erwin Raphael McManus
Do I have an abundance mentality? Do I grasp on to what I have, or like the lady, share openly and without expectation of anything back?
So how about you?
What is your main take-away from this story?
In what ways can you show generosity to others today?