How do you respond to expectations?

By asking the question: How do I respond to expectations?, we can gain insight and increased self knowledge.

Gretchen Rubin's book-the four tendencies looks at the 4 main ways people tend to respond:

1. Upholders- Respond to both internal and external expectations. This means that they will feel obliged to get the job done, but also to put down any extra work in order to maintain personal goals such as fitness, family time, health and down time.

2. Questioners- these people like to question direction or expectations in detail, but often do not like to be questioned themselves. Expectations are there to be examined in detail and questioners only more forward if they feel they fully understand the expectation.

3. Obligers- feel very little self-obligation, but instead feel the push from others very keenly. They are great coaching clients as they can make themselves accountable to the coach in order to achieve objectives.

4. Rebels- hate feeling like they have to do anything. They resist expectations, but love challenges. If you tell them something is impossible, that is the main thing they will focus on trying to do.

So which do you tent toward the most? How do you respond to expectations?

If you would like to find out more about team training in personality types and working well together, contact us at or leave us a message here.

Image is from Gretchen Rubin's book- Four Tendencies.


Team Training


Physics Department