What would be a Win?

This is a great question to ask when faced with any difficult meeting or conflict situation- "What would be a win?"

If I finished this meeting or situation well, what would it look like?

When asking this question, it takes us beyond the emotions of the moment, the fear of the conflict and the worry about how we may come across, and instead takes us to a place where we look for a positive outcome- for all involved.

When working through this question with clients, we have had all sorts of answers including:

"A win would look like me being able to communicate my thoughts effectively, whilst keeping my emotions under control."

"A win would look like me being able hear what the others have to say."

"A win would be if we can finish this working relationship well."

What would a win look like for you? And what steps do you need to take to make that win happen?

For more information on effective communication, team work or conflict management, book a free initial zoom session: https://calendly.com/multiplycoaching/newclient

or message us.

